Baliseo Our flagship app

Baliseo, the desktop and mobile application from Skipper, lets you track all of your orders, set up alerts and access your statistics, so you can measure your performance.
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Track your orders and manage your performance​

On your desktop
or your mobile device
For nearly 20 years now, Baliseo has been the flagship app for any client that wants a clearer view of their logistics chains and the ability to measure their performance. Here are just some of the features we’re sure you’ll love:​

Pack & Go Tracer

See the details of all of your logistics events, in real time, from receipt of your orders to their delivery to your customers, and produce your different documents (delivery slips, packing lists, proof of delivery, etc.).​
Baliseo, application de pilotage logistique, pack & go tracer


All of your statistics, so you can view your indicators and manage your activities.​
Baliseo, application de pilotage logistique, vous permet de créer des reports


Schedule alerts to keep your customers up to date on their order status.​
Baliseo, application de pilotage logistique, vous permet de créer des alertes

Huby, the app that goes big (or small)​

With Huby, you can easily manage your transportation requests and track your orders, in no time at all. This all-in-one solution centralizes all of your carriers’ portals and lets you manage your requests from a single app, regardless of the how you are sending your orders (express, charter, overseas, etc.).
Huby, l'appli qui permet de suivre vos expeditions
L'imprimante Huby de Skipper Transit pour imprimer vos étiquettes d'expédition
So, what
are we sending
Huby conveniently prepares your shipments, prints your labels, synchronizes with your address book and tracks your orders, stress-free.​
Marie, chef de projet Baliseo
« We are the only logisticians who operate on a human scale to offer our clients a solution that lets them stay in touch with their products. They can track their orders, monitor and manage their inventory, create alerts to notify them of any problems or exceptions, and so on. »
Baliseo Project Manager
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Fonction client • société